Sunday, September 5, 2010

On The Road, Part 1

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Two days into our road trip, and so far so good.

Leaving Vancouver was quick, as we handed our apartment keys over to our landlord and said goodbye to our families.

The first day we drove through BC, and had to wait for awhile in Savona (near Kamloops) because of a car crash.  So we decided to take some pictures:

An interesting thing we noticed since we've been on the road is people's reaction to us moving to Yellowknife:  "You're moving where?  WHY?"  "What's in Yellowknife?"  " least you have each other."

We arrived to Calgary late last night, and stayed with Janier's brother and his wife.  To the right is a picture of some wheat fields North of Calgary.

One thing we've agreed on is to only drive in the day time, since it's way easier to get back on track if we make a wrong turn somewhere.  We've made a few of those already, and we blame the confusing Albertan highway signs.


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