Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Week on the Job

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Almost a week has passed in my new job, and here are some highlights:
  • I have my own office!  With my own desk!  With a window view of downtown Yellowknife!  Pictures to come soon.
  • Working in French has taken a bit of getting used to, since I haven't been in a totally francophone environment for a couple years.  But I have my dictionary and Google Translate, and so far so good.  I find it's all coming back pretty quickly.  Oh, except I'm still getting used to the French keyboard.  It's not actually a FRENCH keyboard, it's an English one, with the language setting set to Canadian French.  So it makes this: É when sometimes I just want this:
  • Last night the association I work for had it's AGM, so I got to network and meet some French people in town.  Everyone is super-nice.
  • Tomorrow we get to meet Dennis Bevington, an NDP MP for the Western Arctic.  He's coming to our office to meet us in person, and we'll give him a presentation about all the services we offer.  And he's anglophone! 
Meanwhile, Janier and I are still looking for housing in Yellowknife.  We have a few leads here and there which we'll check out.  I want to have something lined up before it really starts to get cold.  It started to snow a little yesterday, and today (September 16th!) I saw slushy rain from my office window.

Janier is on the job search, but I'm sure he will find something really quickly.  He had an interview the other day at the YWCA, and he's also looking into municipal bylaw enforcement and maybe also substitute teaching!  The lady who we're staying with is extremely well connected in town, and she's helping Janier with the job search.  She's helping us find housing too.  And her husband helped us pick up our boxes of stuff from Greyhound the other day.  Actually they are helping us with most things!

More photos coming soon...


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