Sunday, July 10, 2011

Moving Back to Nature

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Our new house
This past week has been full of changes.  We moved from an apartment in Fort St John to a house in Charlie Lake, about a 10-minute drive from FSJ.  Our new place is definitely rural.  We have seen beavers, woodpeckers, blue-jays, horses, and bats so far. 

One strange thing is our new mailing address.  Our house is located on a frontage road, off the Alaska Highway.  We contacted Canada post, and they said that we'll have to pick our mail up at one of the rural drop boxes a few streets down from where we are.  Our new address includes things like "Site 7 SS #97, Compartment", etc.  Hopefully our mail reaches us! 

We are not hooked up to city pipes, either.  So we have to order our water every month or so, when a huge water truck comes to fill us up.  We are supposed to be monitoring the depth of our well, but it's not like there's a gauge or anything.  The property management company suggested we use a stick.

Our new house also has a name: Mukluk House.  This was another thing the property management company told us. 

Creek that runs along the side and back of our house

Woodpile for fire pit and wood burning stove indoors.

There are beavers in those waters!

Backyard with fire pit and creek.

The infamous beaver dam. There is a beaver family that lives there, we see them almost every day.

The 2nd living room.  We wallpapered the side to look like brick.

Reading area.

Wood stove.

Our new kitty, Cielo! We're training him to be a mouse-killer.

Too close.

Hermoso checking out Cielo. They are good at entertaining each other.

Hermoso peering through the cat door.

This bird flew into our window yesterday. I don't know what kind it is.

Hermoso wanted to play with it, before it flew away.

There's a farm with horses right across the creek from us.

Sunset on Charlie Lake, BC


KyleWith said...

Your new house looks amazing and beautiful. I think you guys will have a wonderful time out there.

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