Friday, October 15, 2010

Radio Star

Friday, October 15, 2010
Today I had an interview with Radio Taiga, a French radio station serving Yellowknife.  It wasn't exactly an interview, but more of a promotion for our Small Business Week workshops which is coming up next week.

Small Business Week is one of the many projects I'm currently working on.  I've been busy organizing presenters, arranging food, confirming locations, and creating publications for the local newspapers.

One event which recently happened which I also helped out in was a job fair (journée carrière) for francophone students in Yellowknife and Hay River.  We arranged for 9 students to fly in from Hay River, which is on the South Side of the Great Slave Lake.  The day went by great; in the afternoon I took a group of 12 to 17-year-olds around town to visit different employers.  We went to visit the GeoScience Office of the NWT, Diavik (a mining company specializing in diamonds and operated by Rio Tinto), and an Engineering firm downtown.

Winter in Yellowknife has begun!  It is October 15, and last night we got about 10cm of snow.  People keep warning us that this is just the beginning, and to not be surprised at -20 weather in November.  We've been hearing stories about how kids at Halloween still go trick-or-treating, just with full snowsuits underneath their costumes!  We don't have any plans yet for Halloween, but are open to ideas...   


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