Friday, August 27, 2010

Making Lists, Packing, Getting Ready

Friday, August 27, 2010
Since we got the news of the job offer a week ago, Janier and I have been kicking into high gear to get ready for Yellowknife.

Job #1 on our to-do list: sell the car!  This has definitely been a project car for us, and we've learned how to change headlights, fix exhaust pipes, windows, paint  We'll be glad once it's sold and we can get a reliable truck for up North.

The apartment is all packed in boxes and garbage bags, and whatever we haven't given away to family is up for grabs on Craigslist, Kijiji, Buy and Sell, etc.  We plan on traveling light, and just bringing along the essentials.

Thanks to dad for helping us do a deep clean this week - we'll definitely be getting the damage deposit back!

Finding housing in Yellowknife has not been so easy.  There's a housing shortage there right now, and it's hard to know what you'll be getting if you sign a contract without being there in person.  My employer has helped us with a "Plan B" if we don't find housing right away, which is for us to stay at a friend's house in Yellowknife for September until we get our bearings and confirm something more permanent.  We might be taking her up on that offer.

For now, we're hoping everything goes smoothly with the car, and soon we'll be driving northbound!  


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