Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Melt in Fort St John

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 0
Wow, things are heating up fast.  And our parking lots are all turning into swimming pools.

Today after work, I had to park on the far side of our apartment, because our parking lot was completely flooded.

In some parts, it's probably around 2 feet deep.

City crew pumping out our parking lot.
At least it's not this bad (yet):

Friday, March 18, 2011

Road Trip to Grande Prairie

Friday, March 18, 2011 1
Last weekend we decided to take Hermoso to Grande Prairie, Alberta.  The weather in Fort St John is much warmer right now than Yellowknife, and the snow is starting to melt! 

We've had a long winter...almost 6 months of snow.

Hermoso is growing really fast, and getting lots of exercise outside.
Peace River, Fort St John

Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Member of Our Family

Sunday, March 6, 2011 0
On my birthday last week, we picked up a new member of our family: Hermoso!  His name means 'handsome' in Spanish.  He is a 2 1/2 month old Black Lab/German Shepherd cross.

Wow he has LOTS of energy.  We have his pee-pads spread around our place, and we're working on getting him potty-trained as soon as possible.

His favorite chew toy is his pig's ear.  He's been out in the snow a couple times already, driven in the car with us, and he was even left alone at our place for the first time the other day, with no problems. 

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